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One of the skills I wish I had learned early on as a child was how to counter negative thinking. We learn to fear as we grow up, and that fear can connect itself to other people, situations, and even to bodily sensations. So many times in our minds we only hear that one critical and fearful voice, but we don't know how to listen to the opposing one.
There are two sides to every story, so why do we consistently listen to one? Because it gives us a sense of safety and security.
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Understanding can be as important as action. Committing to understanding why you experience these bodily sensations of anxiety if you're an anxiety sufferer many times becomes the challenge. And not because the person with anxiety doesn't want to commit, but because of the core beliefs and opinions from people in their past that became their own inner critical voices.
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To live in constant panic means to have a worldview that says 'this world is unsafe.' For people like this the minds filter system deletes information that relates to safety, and modifies information to fit with fear. As those neural connections in the brain grow stronger and stronger the world becomes scarier and scarier, and so the panic cycle continues.