When we think addiction many of us only think about substance. But the truth is there is another form of addiction working below the level of conscious awareness that is pulling you into a world that feels real but only keeps you farther from living a creative life, away from anxiety.
From fear to freedom: https://theanxietyguy.com/all-programs/
A powerful interview with breath work coach Brian Kelly on the benefits of certain breathing techniques for anxiety, health anxiety, panic disorder, panic attacks, and depression.
Begin your anxiety healing today: https://theanxietyguy.com/all-programs/
In this milestone episode of The Anxiety Guy podcast we talk with our web developer and ebhind the scenes wizard Marcos Codas about his anxiety success stories along with the practical steps he used to heal anxiety.
By now we're all familiar with the Law of Attraction, partially due to the movie The Secret introducing this concept to the mainstream. In today's podcast, I'd like to introduce you to the 7 Hermetic Principles, Universal laws that apply to everything behind the scenes, whether we "believe" in them or note.
Begin your anxiety healing today: https://theanxietyguy.com/all-programs/